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测序中国隶属于中科国测(北京)科技有限公司,是一家依托互联网技术,根植基因行业,运用新媒体运营模式的基因行业垂直媒体。 测序中国以宏观和微观的多重视角关注基因行业的发展,依托微信公众平台、网站发布精准医领域学的资讯、专访报导、调研报告等权威内容,得到了行业内的广泛认同。 在测序中国微信公众平台、网站有最具有价值的资讯、有最前沿的成果、有最值得阅读的内容。是行业内公认的领航媒体。 ——我们素有基因行业媒体引领者的赞誉!

火石创造是全球领先的医健创新创业服务数据平台,运用机器学习、人工智能、大数据等新技术,构建全球首个以疾病为中心的医健创新创业地图一一HSMAP。为全球医健产业、投资、创业、政府、医疗和科研等机构提供数据基础服务与全面专业数据解决方案。截止目前,火石获取了全球228万家医疗健康领域的创新创业公司数据,6万多家研究机构,超过5万家投资机构、5千多家产业园,133万医疗领域的专利数据、122万产品数据。目前火石创造已为3000+客户开始提供数据服务,间接服务用户数量超过5万人。 公司资质: 杭州高新区5050计划企业 浙江省健康产业联合会 副理事长单位 浙江省医疗健康大数据创新技术战略联盟 发起单位

BioonGroup was established since 2001. Now it has become the leading media platform and professional service provider of Bio-medicine industry. Multi service can be provided in consulting, industry analysis, brand packaging, product promotion, human resources, conference planning and medical research service for enterprises, R&D, universities, parks and the government of Bio-medicine industry. BioonGroup contains four well-known platforms (,,,,) and three professional institutions (MedSci, BioInsight, Bioon|Events).

Biodiscover ( is a newly media portal to explore the value of biosciences, and committed to disseminate the forefront of biotechnology and successful business model in the field of life sciences.

Our website introduces the most advanced and dynamic bioinformatics technology in the field of life sciences, providing prospective, in-depth research information and technical topics for biologists in china; providing the latest bioindustry dynamics and reports for enterprises; providing a interaction platform for biological enterprises and individuals; integrating the latest exhibitions, conferences and technical seminars of biopharmaceutical etc., founded in 1999, is the NO.1 web portal for scientific instrument related business in China. focuses on Chinese instrument market and provides full internet solutions for all instrument business in China.

A number of databases have been established by, such as company yellow page, product category, user/specialist database, lab/test centre database etc.. The aim of our website is to integrate all kinds of instrument resource together on an interactive platform and improve communications between end-users and suppliers.

More than 40,000 companies, 700,000 products and 2,000,000 users have been included in our online database. Each day, receives about 3300,000 page views, 100,000 unique visitors and 800 new registered users.

Products and Services, Online Exhition, Recruitment Channel, Instrument User Community, Direct Magazine “Instrument Express”, E-zine and etc., built on October 2007, with the highest traffic ranks among the global professional websites for scientific instruments and analytical testing, and the name of antpedia means Analysis aNd Test is the leading internet service provider in the scientific instruments and analysis/testing field in China.

It attracts more than 3 million visits every day, with Alexa traffic rank of about 5,500th globally, and about 400th in China.

Established since 1998, Bio-Equip is a leading website for lab equipments, reagents, consumables and bio services. Our users come from different fields like life science, medical research, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, modern agriculture, food safety and environment monitoring.

Bio-Equip offer users a complete product directory which involves 158 product ranges among lab equipments, reagents, consumables, lab animals, bio services, cell lines, bio software and books. Serving users through two websites, (Chinese) and (English), we own over 20,000 registered suppliers and more than 500,000 pieces of product and technical service information with details of product description, price, sample downloading, technical articles and videos. The resourceful online information accelerate product & service searching process, offer convenience to users from research institutions, universities, hospitals, centers for disease control, pharmaceutical factories, inspection and quarantine bureau as well as forensic centers. Generally, Bio-Equip promote the development of bioresearch and bio-industry!

生技网 ( 生命科学知名门户网站----是生化试剂,实验耗材,实验仪器,实验技术服务的供求平台!生技网成立于2006年,是生物领域最专业的门户网站!生技网专心做服务,每天都有来自各大科研院校,企事业单位科研部门的实验、采购人员,各地区的生产厂家、代理商、经销商以及来自国外的企业和科研人员,查询产品,浅谈合作!




Pharma China ( is the most trusted English media and business intelligence service covering the Chinese pharmaceutical / biopharmaceutical industry and market.

Pharma China caters for the growing needs of the international pharmaceutical industry for up-to-date and insightful information and intelligence on China’s burgeoning but increasingly complex healthcare marketplace, and is subscribed by most multinational pharmaceutical companies, leading CROs, investment banks and consulting firms active in China as well as relevant industry associations and government agencies.

Pharma China Journal Edition (monthly in PDF and Print) Pharma China Web Edition (continuously-updated news, in-depth commentaries and online databases)

China Pharmaceutical Guide (the most comprehensive and authoritative reference for China’s healthcare sector)

肽度 TIMEDOO - 医·药·生物新技术的传播者。成立于2015年,多年来⾯向医⽣、医疗机构、药械以及⽣命科学领域⼈⼠提供有价值的资讯。提供营销传播的服务⽀持,服务形式包括媒体报道、⼴告投放、会议、影视制作、在线直播、短视频、培训班等。

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